Welcome back to 2018. You will have noticed that I took a little break over the christmas/new year period. I had such a huge year, I needed some down time. Of course, I am back with a vengeance. This year, I have so many wonderful podcasts planned with fantastic support. I do hope you enjoy it and spread the word amongst your friends.
In this podcast I review the new google sites platform and how it can best be used for student portfolios. I have been fascinated with teaching real world applications. With the introduction of Google Apps for Education, I was keen to get people on board. I have seen the magic and the ease it offers with technology, I didn’t want others to miss out on this knowledge. So I have slowly introduced it to various colleagues, students and teachers.
I have been trialling Google Classroom and Google Drive for some time, but Google Sites needed more time. Well I have finished a gaming site for one of my classes and I was so impressed, I thought that I would share it with everyone as a means of offering a publishing platform for student portfolios.
There is a supporting video on my YouTube Channel that you will find easy to follow. If you create your own site, let me know. I would love to see what you come up with.